Novelty Exhibitions

Please call 440-338-3171 to schedule a viewing appointment

“City Landscapes” by Eugene Temkin

September 9 - December 13, 2024, 1st Floor at Novelty

Eugene Temkin was born in 1948 in Moscow, Russia.  He then went to a technical school and graduated in 1967 and began working fulltime and taking evening classes at two universities to continue his education. As a result, Eugene holds two diplomas: one in construction engineering and one in architecture. During his many years of architectural work, Eugene designed more than 200 residential, public, research buildings, hotels; a majority of which have been built into a reality. In 1995, he, his wife, and their two kids came to the United States to live in Cleveland. Eugene continued working for different construction and architectural firms until retiring a few years ago. After retirement, he was able to spend much more time with his favorite activity – painting.  Only recently had he started using oil on canvas technique in his work. “I’m excited about developing my painting skills, experiencing with new forms, techniques and themes in my future work,” he says, “Drawing was my favorite pastime from the very early childhood: I could draw for hours and hours nonstop. School teachers suggested to get an education in art.  However, I had chosen architecture that became my profession for many years and the love of my life.”

Contact us about purchasing artwork here

“I love draw[ing] streets, buildings of various kinds, and canals. Nature landscape attracts me very much as well. My first works were done in watercolor, gouache, and tempera techniques. Recently I switched to oil painting. I’ve found that oil painting gives more opportunities. Lately I realized I had a desire to share with people the beauty around us [that] I see and enjoy, but other people may not.” - Eugene Temkin

“Becoming Unbound” by Maggie Latham

September 9 - December 13, 2024, 2nd Floor at Novelty

Maggie Latham is a fiber artist, natural-dyer, and art educator based in Cleveland, OH. She received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2015, and works in education at The Cleveland Museum of Art. Her studio work ranges from individual textile and paper pieces to custom dye work for local organizations and artist collaborations. She has recently exhibited work in the Cleveland area at Kaiser Gallery, YARDS Projects, and The Morgan Conservatory, as well as the Wave Pool Contemporary Art Fulfillment Center in Cincinnati. She also enjoys teaching workshops on natural dyes, emphasizing accessible techniques and the use of local plants.

Maggie Latham Artwork Image

“My work aspires to challenge extractive practices in artmaking, which often rely on fossil fuels for color, by shifting towards a more collaborative approach where plants and minerals play a central role in creating art. ‘Becoming Unbound’ references the experience of unwrapping a bundle-dyed piece of fabric, a technique employed in all the works featured in this exhibit. This process involves layering natural plant materials on fabric, rolling it with a copper pipe, and securing it with string before steaming for about an hour. The resulting fabric is unbound to reveal the colors and shapes of the plants and flowers, which then inform my approach to completing each piece.” - Maggie Latham

Artwork Purchase Inquiry

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